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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Studies on file sharing - La Quadrature du Net - 0 views

    "Contents 1 Studies 1.1 Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law 1.1.1 University of Delaware and Université de Rennes - 2014 - Graduated Response Policy and the Behavior of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law 1.1.2 M@rsouin - 2010 - Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law (FR) 1.2 People who share files are people who spend the more for culture 1.2.1 Munich School of Management and Copenhagen Business School - Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload 1.2.2 The American Assembly (Collumbia University) - Copy Culture in the USA and Germany 1.2.3 GFK (Society for Consumer Research) - Disappointed commissioner suppresses study showing pirates are cinema's best consumers 1.2.4 HADOPI - 2011 - January 2011 study on online cultural practices (FR) 1.2.5 University of Amsterdam - 2010 - Economic and cultural effects of unlawful file sharing 1.2.6 BBC - 2009 - "Pirates" spend more on music (FR) 1.2.7 IPSOS Germany - 2009 - Filesharers are better "consumers" of culture (FR) 1.2.8 Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 2009 - P2P / Best consumers for Hollywood (EN) 1.2.9 Business School of Norway - 2009 - Those who share music spend ten times more money on music (NO) 1.2.10 Annelies Huygen, et al. (Dutch government investigation) - 2009 - Ups and downs - Economische en culturele gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, film en games 1.2.11 M@rsouin - 2008 - P2P / buy more DVDs (FR) 1.2.12 Canadian Department of Industry - 2007 - P2P / achètent plus de musique (FR) 1.2.13 Felix Oberholzer-Gee (above) and Koleman Strumpf - 2004 -File sharing may boost CD sales 1.3 Economical effects of filesharing 1.3.1 University of Kansas School of Business - Using Markets to Measure the Impact of File Sharing o
    "Contents 1 Studies 1.1 Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law 1.1.1 University of Delaware and Université de Rennes - 2014 - Graduated Response Policy and the Behavior of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law 1.1.2 M@rsouin - 2010 - Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law (FR) 1.2 People who share files are people who spend the more for culture 1.2.1 Munich School of Management and Copenhagen Business School - Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload 1.2.2 The American Assembly (Collumbia University) - Copy Culture in the USA and Germany 1.2.3 GFK (Society for Consumer Research) - Disappointed commissioner suppresses study showing pirates are cinema's best consumers 1.2.4 HADOPI - 2011 - January 2011 study on online cultural practices (FR) 1.2.5 University of Amsterdam - 2010 - Economic and cultural effects of unlawful file sharing 1.2.6 BBC - 2009 - "Pirates" spend more on music (FR) 1.2.7 IPSOS Germany - 2009 - Filesharers are better "consumers" of culture (FR) 1.2.8 Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 2009 - P2P / Best consumers for Hollywood (EN) 1.2.9 Business School of Norway - 2009 - Those who share music spend ten times more money on music (NO) 1.2.10 Annelies Huygen, et al. (Dutch government investigation) - 2009 - Ups and downs - Economische en culturele gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, film en games 1.2.11 M@rsouin - 2008 - P2P / buy more DVDs (FR) 1.2.12 Canadian Department of Industry - 2007 - P2P / achètent plus de musique (FR) 1.2.13 Felix Oberholzer-Gee (above) and Koleman Strumpf - 2004 -File sharing may boost CD sales 1.3 Economical effects of filesharing 1.3.1 University of Kansas School of Business - Using Markets to Measure the Impact of File Sharing o
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Record Biz Wants To Tax Brits For Copying Their Own Music | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! For when some exigencies to the recording industry … like diminishing prices and increasing, as much the quality of the works like the respect to the public…?
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! as if there weren't already enough taxes...
    [Several music industry organizations in the UK have launched an application for a judicial review after the government passed legislation allowing citizens to copy their own music for personal use. The group says that in order for the system to be fair, the public must pay a new tax. ...] # ! Definitely... # ! ... '#Music #watchmen' -th@se who persecute aficionad@s # ! just for #sharing- are 'watching' for everything BUT The Music... # ! Let's The #sharing #protect -effectively- the #Culture... (# ! perhaps, 'someone' thinks we don't pay enough taxes yet... # ! ...while Billions 'disappear' yearly from the public coffers....)
    [Several music industry organizations in the UK have launched an application for a judicial review after the government passed legislation allowing citizens to copy their own music for personal use. The group says that in order for the system to be fair, the public must pay a new tax. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Old Music Business Is Yelling at New Music Business Again - 0 views

    "We've seen it time and time again. Old business heads who cling to the past and have no vision for the future. They know what the music business was in (what they think were) the glory days and desperately are trying to return to that era. Make the music business great again!"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Isn't the Record Business Doing Better? | Billboard - 0 views

    "By some measures, recorded music is doing great. Overall music volume (counting sales and streaming) is up 14 percent to date in 2015, Nielsen's David Bakula said Tuesday at the Music Biz conference in Nashville. Streaming alone is up 91 percent year-over-year."
    "By some measures, recorded music is doing great. Overall music volume (counting sales and streaming) is up 14 percent to date in 2015, Nielsen's David Bakula said Tuesday at the Music Biz conference in Nashville. Streaming alone is up 91 percent year-over-year."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Common Music Industry Scams Musicians Should Avoid - 0 views

    " MIXA/Getty Images Music Careers Industry Basics Education Being a Musician Contracts and Royalties Industry Profiles By Heather McDonald Updated April 29, 2016 It is unfortunately easy to get ripped off in the music industry.. Getting caught up in a music industry scam might not damage your career, but it could cost you money you probably don't have. You can avoid a lot of music business rip-offs simply by knowing what you should pay for and what you shouldn't."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Short, Troubled History of Apple Music | Digital Music News - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! #Music (#business) is NOT for Everyone. # ! Not even for the Recording Industry itself, # ! as actually crafted... # ! :)
    "June 8th: Apple unveils Apple Music, while promoting an 'indie artist' that doesn't exist. The company confidently declares that Apple Music will reach 100 million paying subscribers."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Music Recommendation & Digital Payola | FMC (Replied?) - 0 views

    # ! The Same Old Song from The Same Old Business. Music doesn't goes this way... Don't Blame Piracy. "... But in practice, most consumers' exposure to the world of new music is extremely limited. ..."
    # ! The Same Old Song from The Same Old Business. Music doesn't goes this way... Don't Blame Piracy. "... But in practice, most consumers' exposure to the world of new music is extremely limited. ..."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Los servicios de música en las empresas de telecomunicaciones | Industria Mus... - 0 views

    "Mark Mulligan y Keith Jopling a través de su consultoría Midia Consulting han publicado un white paper encargado por Universal Music llamado "Building the New Business Case for Bundled Music Services" Este white paper ofrece un análisis de la asociación entre los servicios de música y las empresas de telecomunicaciones estudiando por ejemplo casos como Cricket Wireless con Muve Music, TeliaSonera con Spotify, Orange con Deezer o bien Nokia con Mix Radio. El informe pone una visión crítica de lo que se había trabajado hasta la fecha y una serie de modelos y recomendaciones para el futuro."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Big Debate: OK gloomsters, how can the music biz be FIXED? * The Register - 1 views

    [By Andrew Orlowski * Get more from this author Posted in Media, 25th October 2012 09:19 GMT Battle of Ideas 2012 I was an a panel at The Battle of Ideas conference on music at the weekend, and it went a bit beyond your usual digital music panel. There was a good turnout - considering there were six concurrent panels, all of them interesting. Everyone got to make a six-minute opening question. Here's mine, and the highlights of the rest of the panel. I've included all the audience questions and the best answers - not all questions were answered - for a reason. If you think the biggest problem with music is piracy, it isn't, and that becomes evident from the questions. Two of the panellists (Alan Miller and myself) address this in the closing remarks....]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Should You Boycott Spotify? Try This Simple Decision Guide... - 0 views

    "It's about making the most money off the work you create. Should you license your music to Spotify, or any streaming channel for that matter? That's an incredibly difficult question for any music artist, especially since formats like CDs, vinyl LPs, downloads, and even cassettes generate far greater revenue. And after talking to a lot of artists and labels, we found that many are attempting to prioritize those formats and license to Spotify and streaming formats later (a practice called 'windowing')."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Warner Music Group Kills Online Record Store Insound - Digital Music News [#Note] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      [#Music #Bad #Busines:] # ! instead of #Kill #new distribution #models, why not #cut some executives' #wages... and 'Super-Stars' #price #tickets...?
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Industria musical y plataformas colaborativas en 2015 - 0 views

    "Inicio > Recursos > Management > Industria musical y plataformas colaborativas en 2015 1 día atrás José Luis López 2015 va a ser un año interesante como banco pruebas en la industria de la música; mientras esperamos que Apple lance su servicio de streaming y qué estrategia de vídeo adoptan los sellos en sus campañas de marketing, el streaming estará dando que hablar... Management, Marketing"
    "Inicio > Recursos > Management > Industria musical y plataformas colaborativas en 2015 1 día atrás José Luis López Management, Marketing"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

I'm Shocked, Shocked: Payola on Spotify? | MUSIC * TECHNOLOGY * POLICY [# ! Note] - 0 views

    "an you imagine-someone in the music business is trying to buy their way into the charts. Shocking, I know. Totally unpredictable. Who could ever have anticipated that move?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Guest Post: Five Reasons Why The Major Labels Didn't Blow It With Napster by @thetrickn... - 1 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! #Industry (#Politics) just don't want to share their business (of culture/thinking/VALUES Manipulation) with third partires...
    [ay 30, 2015 Editor Charlie Leave a comment Go to comments [Editor Charlie sez: We're pleased to get a chance to repost this must read piece by industry veteran Jim McDermott who brings great insights into the Napster history and the flaws in the narrative that the tech press has so eagerly promoted. You can also read Chris's 2008 interview about Napster with Andrew Orlowski in The Register, The Music Wars from 30,000 Feet.] ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

BitTorrent is the New Radio, Says Counting Crows Frontman | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    [American rock band Counting Crows have sold more than 20 million albums worldwide, but this success hasn't caused them to overlook the changing landscape of the music business. Today the band releases four tracks from their new album for free on BitTorrent. Talking to TorrentFreak, Counting Crows frontman Adam Duritz says BitTorrent is the new and improved radio. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

(7) Music consumption at the dawn of the music industry: the rise of a cultural fad | M... - 0 views

    [Marco Guerzoni * Massimiliano Nuccio Received: 3 May 2012 / Accepted: 22 May 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013 Abstract This paper discusses the extent to which sociodemographic characteristics of consumers and their past consumption are less effective in explaining the decision of purchasing a cultural good than the characteristics of the product itself, which allow for imitative behaviors and are at the basis of distinction. While the ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#irespectmusic And I Vote: The Good News is the Conventional Wisdom is Wrong | MUSIC * ... - 0 views

    "The MIC Coalition members listed above are the new alliance of big business against artists and songwriters. The McCoalition (as I call them) is designed to intimidate creators. Why?"
    "The MIC Coalition members listed above are the new alliance of big business against artists and songwriters. The McCoalition (as I call them) is designed to intimidate creators. Why?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Online Ad Spend Surpasses Newspapers - eMarketer - 0 views

    *This is The Modern Change of Media and Marketing Paradigms, something that other Businesses (The Audiovisual and The Music Ones, for example) refuse to understand... [ 2010 will mark the first time marketers put more money into online advertising than newspapers, eMarketer estimates. Total newspaper spending, including advertising in print and online editions, will fall to $25.7 billion in 2010, a decline of 6.6%. Spending on print newspapers alone will fall more steeply to $22.8 billion. Meanwhile, a rise of 13.9% will push US online ad spending up to $25.8 billion by year's end. ... ]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Apple Patents Technology to Legalize P2P Sharing | TorrentFreak * - 1 views

    "This means that transferring files between devices is only possible if these support Apple's licensing scheme. That's actually a step backwards from the DRM-free music that's sold in most stores today." [* What 'Apple's licensing scheme' -closed source- can hide?]
    "This means that transferring files between devices is only possible if these support Apple's licensing scheme. That's actually a step backwards from the DRM-free music that's sold in most stores today." [* What 'Apple's licensing scheme' -closed source- can hide?]
    A business method software patent combining old elements that are all prior art, including DRM. Yech! "... a patent that makes it possible to license P2P sharing" really puts a spin on reality. If the methods were in the public domain, anyone could use them without a license. That's equivalent to to saying "a government-granted monopoly with the power but no responsibility to collect money from anyone who wants to invade the monopoly's protected rights" and presenting that fact as some sort of tremendous philanthropic act by Apple. On software patent claims as prior art and obvious, see my legal memo on that topic here.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Music streaming, promotion, and the next song on your radio station | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Payola was a big problem in radio, but will digital streaming evolve past it? by Casey Johnston - June 29 2014, 9:06pm CEST"
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